
SCORM Connect

  • 11 April 2024
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 1

Hello all, 

I’ve watched the office hours and reviewed the academy material but need to get some clarifications.

  1. Will SCORM connect work on all content types or only used for the course content type?
  2. SSO and Panorama - we are using panorama for the client.  So, the client users logs into their LMS and access content.  Is SSO required? 

Thank you, 

Wayne Wayson


5 replies

Userlevel 5
  1. I use it for microcourses and courses, but haven’t tried any others...if there is the option under the release tab, then it should work. 
  2. No, if they are accessing from their LMS, there is no need for SSO.
    Just wondering why you have a Panorama set up if they are only accessing via SCORM though? 
Userlevel 1

Use of SCORM Connect is a totally new tool we are investigating.  Trying to understand our options and related setup, administration and user experience.  I see issues mentioned within the SCORM Connect Errors & Fixes discussion thread.  Perhaps we don’t a panorama or SSO and using the ‘collect learner details’ within the content will suffice.

I also see where some are creating a SCORM Connect panorama.  I am curious why and how this works?

Thank you.


Userlevel 2

@LisaRollins answering this “Just wondering why you have a Panorama set up if they are only accessing via SCORM though? “

Exporting the content out from the panorama as Scorm Connect adhere to the seat limit of the panorama and sublicense so some folks use this as a way to control enrolment amounts. 

Userlevel 1

What stops a client from sharing provided SCORMConnect files?

Userlevel 5

I guess from the technical standpoint, someone could load the file and access, but all of our content goes to customers, who sign a contract with us. 

Based on our contract provisions, they aren’t allowed to share any of our documents/slide decks/content - anything we produce basically - without our permission. 

In our case, our content isn’t something that anyone outside of our customers would actually need or want, so I don’t worry too much about that. 

