
January 31st release, learning path behavior will be enhanced so that learners must complete ALL required milestones in order to be marked Complete

  • 29 January 2024
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 1

Question regarding the upcoming update will this allow users to move onto the next milestone, even if they have not completed required content in the milestones?


4 replies

Userlevel 2

Hi Craig! Thank you for your question! In short, no. How learners move through milestones in a learning path is not changing with this upcoming release. What we are updating is how we verify the learner’s overall completion status for the learning path. Below is an example situation that will no longer be allowed with this enhancement:

  1. Learner gets assigned to a Learning Path with multiple milestones that have required completion criteria (i.e. take one of four elective courses, take three required courses, earn a certain # of awards, etc)
  2. The last milestone contains content that the learner has already completed (standalone or as part of a different learning path)
  3. Because prior completions are counted in this new assigned Learning Path, the learner gets automatically marked complete in the Learning Path’s last milestone and therefore, was able to bypass all other required milestones

We’ve added this context to our Release Notes as well. Continue following Release Notes for more guidance going forward! 

Userlevel 1

@Community Team  Thanks for the detailed response. Can you share if the ability to navigate between milestones that are not completed is in development, or planned for a future release?

Userlevel 1

@Jim Garland  @craig_sumner in case you didn’t see the feature request for this (posted after this thread), please throw an upvote! 


Userlevel 2

@Jim Garland Given all the interest from our customers, this feature is in development and on the roadmap for a future release. I would encourage you to follow this suggestion post for further updates!


