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Does anyone know if it is possible to move a sublicense from one pano to another pano? We want to move sublicense “xx” from “pano 1” to “pano 2”?

I could not figure this out - was hoping someone might know a workaround! Thanks!

@kristinmize we’ve only done this by moving users themselves, not actual sublicense between panos, using the endpoint 


You may need to do some testing - or get someone from Ti to confirm if this endpoint would let you update the “parentLicenseId” to do what you are looking for

Hey ​@Christopher.Hernley - thanks for your quick reply. I will do some more digging!

Hi ​@kristinmize 

@Christopher.Hernley is correct in that there is no way to move a sublicense from one panorama to another.

You will need to recreate the sublicence in the new Panorama and then use the API listed to move all the learners.

Once caveat here though is that when you move learners to a new panorama via the API the content is revoked so any completed content will appear as Non Started so you will need to use the Course External Activity API to set the status of the content to complete. See below


It is recommended to do a thorough test in your sandbox before doing this in your production instance to ensure all combination of content and Learning Paths are accounted for.


Kind regards


