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Email delivery success

  • 1 August 2024
  • 6 replies

We’re running into issues with emails being caught in wirewalls and being blocked on the learner side. Other than having a client whitelist a domain, which isn’t always possible, has anyone found a way to increase to success of emails being delivered?

@Alexis McLaughlin YES!  You are spoofing.  Don’t put anything in the FROM field and you will achieve 100 percent email deliverability.  


@charles.zimmerman what email address do your emails come from if you leave this blank? 

@Alexis McLaughlin No matter what you put in that field, all of your Ti communications are coming from  If blank then the actual sender is listed in the “from” on a real email.  Putting a different email there does not change from where it comes.  What it does do is called “spoofing” and you can Google that to learn more.  Essentially, what you put there is masking the actual sender's email and since this feature was released, nearly every company server is going to block a masked sender address for security reasons.  I hope that helps.

@Alexis McLaughlin This explains what is happening well.  Email spoofing - Wikipedia

Thanks for the suggestion. I tested it out in one of our panos to see what it looks like when it comes through, I can see the name and the TI email. Will need to discuss with fuller internal team. I think the email address being revealed like that may be an issue for some. 

@Alexis McLaughlin After years of trying it boils down to vanity or functionality and we need 100 percent deliverability over any other consideration.
