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Can anyone assist me with these answers?

When I use the Email Learners option from the Course Release tab... says I am sending this email to 18 learners. But no where in this reporting do I see a list that matches to 18 learners. The Overview tab calls it “Active Distinct Learners” count. The Learners tab shows me 23 learners, the Enrollment tab shows me 58 seats used. As a note - we limit days of access after enrollment, as well as allow learners to extend that date as needed - so this number is not found in a content actions enrollment report either.

My questions:

  1. who are those 18 learners?
  2. how do I see that list of those 18 learners that will get this email?
  3. Does this number include panorama users too?

Thanks for any insight you can offer me!


Hi ​@juliefiretech 

To see a list of the lerners who are included in the number of ppl to receive an email you will need to go to the reporting tab, this is acccessible just below the email option on the “Release” tab. See below











On clicking this buttton the Reporting screen pops up and you should click on the Learners Tab.

This will show you a list of all learners who are enrolled in the course - see below

Can you please have a look at this and see if it gives you what you need.


Warmest regards


Morning Jon!

Thanks so much for assisting me with this!

yes, when I went to the Learners tab - it returned a list of 23 learners. The email says it’s sending to 18 learners.




There are currently 3 courses that I’m trying to get these numbers correct for & I looked at all 3, here are the results:


COURSE EMAIL (All) EMAIL (completed) EMAIL (not complete) LEARNERS TAB (total) LEARNERS TAB (completed) LEARNERS TAB (not complete)
ITFA 2000 18 2 16 23 4 1
ITFA 2000 (B) 1 1 0 0 - -
ITFA 2000 (G) 2 0 2 1 0 0


I can give you more details as needed.

Hi ​@juliefiretech 

Thanks for the additional information, I will look into this for you and let you know my findings.

Would you mind sending an email to my @thoughtindustries address with a URL to the above courses to ensure I am looking at the correct ones as when i looked this AM there were a number that looked alike.
if something does seem off I will move this to a support ticket so the support team will be able to look into the back end and see if they can find anything.

Kind regards


@jonsynnott  email sent! Thank you!

Hi ​@juliefiretech 

I spoke to the support team and it appears that the reason for the difference is that 5 learners have had their access revoked from the content so they are not seen as active learners to send an email to.

The report will give you a full history of anyone who was ever enroled in the course.


Warmest regards

