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we need to create test/quizzes within a course. We have specific needs:

  • 3 attempts 
  • Lockout of 24Hrs after 1st and 2nd attempt
  • Lockout of 1 week after 3rd attempt

I could not find anything like a lockout option in the tool and there was no mention in help articles.

Anyone else has the same issue and found a way to set it up or a workaround?

Hi Irene, 

Lockout is only attempt based and not time passed. I know of some workarounds that can be used with forgiving attempts and APIs but you are best speaking to your CSM for these type of discoveries. 

Thank you @Philcahill87 ! 

For “attempt based” you mean giving to the leaner 1 attempt only for the assessment, correct? And once they have taken it, if they fail we can open another attempt?


Yes, So you can forgive attempts on the learner record under Users. So if doing it manually you could get a list of all fails and then just remove their fail X days later. It stays in reporting but the learner gets another chance. 

Hi @Irene -

We have a similar request/issue! We also are very interested in what others are doing. Our scenario is:

  • Learner takes a course that has an assessment at the end that they must pass
  • If they fail, they must wait 24 hours before the 2nd attempt
  • If they fail attempt #2, they must wait 72 hours before the 3rd attempt

We would like to automate this process as much as possible. Here’s what we’ve tried so far.

Option 1

  • After failed test, they email us requesting a retake
  • After 24 hours, someone on the training team goes in and “forgives” the exam attempt 
  • The Learner then can attempt the exam.

If they pass - YAY and the course is complete on their dashboard.

If they fail, rinse and repeat the email/forgive process.

✅ This keeps the exam and content in a single course for the learner and bundled together on their dashboard

✅ The reports show the failed attempt score (the forgiven one) and the passed score.

❌ This is a manual process for both the learner and our team

❌ There can be a delay in 2nd and 3rd attempts because of emails passing through time zones and the requirement of manual intervention


Option 2

  • After failed test, the fail message says they will receive an email when they are eligible for a re-take.
  • A learner notification is automatically sent after 24 hours with a link to a 2nd attempt exam
  • The learner clicks on the link and attempts to pass #2 (Attempt #2 is a stand-alone “course” with a single page - The Exam)

If they pass - YAY and the EXAM course is complete on their dashboard (but not the original course).

If they fail, an automated learner notification is sent after the “lock out” time with a link to their 3rd attempt.

✅ This process is automated for both the learner and our team

✅ The reports show all attempted scores when viewed by the learner name/email.

❌ The original course with the exam is never “compete” on the learner dashboard because they failed the exam

❌ This could be confusing to the learner because they will see different “courses” on their dashboard - an incomplete one for the course and the failed exam and a 2nd one for the passed exam

❌ The reporting can be confusing when viewed by the title of the exam/course because they are different content pieces


Option 3

We are looking for help here! What are others doing to automate the process of 2nd and 3rd exam attempts that are only allowed after a certain amount of time has passed?

Please let me know if I should post this elsewhere to gain traffic/feedback as to what others are doing.


Hello @RKBrodeur,

thank you for the detailed use cases, you tested the process a lot!

I agree with you that the lockout period should be a setting from the Admin side and the whole process should be automated (manually forgiving the attempts is not a good option for us either).

Why don’t you make a suggestion here on the site? I believe we are not the only ones with these issue and I will upvote straight away!




Hello @Irene and @giovanna.orlando I have created the suggestion 😃


Thanks @RKBrodeur ! I voted for it!
