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Manager Roles

Hi all,

Is anyone an expert on giving our Manager Roles in TI?

We often run into problems with the permissions and the design change of the manager role menu did not make the whole thing more intuitive for us.

Happy to connect!

We used a spreadsheet to make note of which permissions each customized role should utilize. It helped with viewing the list of available permissions and their description. From there, we tested out which permissions would be a Pano-wide access or a Sublicense only access.

@dmeile that is a great idea - would you share which permissions you have determined are for pano-wide access & which are for sublicense only? Would save me some testing if so!

I’ve also noticed that some permissions do not work at all for Pano managers and I’m having to test to figure that out (for instance: at this point I cannot get “granting access” to work for a Pano Admin or Manager - I’m still waiting on assistance from the support team to clarify though)

Hey @juliefiretech I have attached a draft we used when we first started testing role permissions. It was last updated in July 2021, so some of the permissions could have changed since then. Any time we consider a new permission for a role, we re-test to make sure the correct level of access is appropriate.

For Granting Access to Content for your Pano Managers, have you tried selecting Manage Content, too? You may not want all those permissions checked off under that main permission (a couple suggestions -  select Emailing Learners and Viewing Content Reports for Pano-wide roles), but that permission may help get what you want with granting access. 

Good luck with testing!
