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Registration Code Provisioning / Panorama

  • 29 July 2024
  • 3 replies

Will a registration code move a learner from one panorama to another or just between sublicenses within one panorama? We issued registration codes to current learners in one panorama, and the system will not send them to the new panorama when they redeem the new code, even if they are signed in.


@Roze I don’t know the answer to what you are asking or why this is needed but I can tell you that there is great risk of Learners losing their training history as a result of moving from Pano to Pano.  You can only carry over training history if the same content is provisioned to both Panoramas.  Hope this helps.

@charles.zimmerman I’ll set this up because you always have a helpful nugget - We have a panorama (Pano A) that contains most of our LE clients who use our content on a limited basis as an adjunct to in-person training. Pano A has many sublicences. On occasion, a large department comes to us for mass training, and we issue them their own pano (Pano 😎 to export the benefits of customizing their landing page, etc. (these are typically all clients without their own LMS). In some cases, participants from Pano A are also part of a large department and have to join Pano B. The use of a registration code to move them from A to B has been unsuccessful, so I’ve had to move them manually. Not a big deal in the case where those coming from A to B represent a small cohort of the department, around 20-30 officers, whereas Pano B contains thousands of officers. 

@Roze Thank you.  I hope my input is helpful.  If you're looking to migrate a large number of learners, using the bulk import feature might be a more efficient method. This allows you to upload a CSV file containing the learners' information and specify the new Panorama they should be associated with. This process is straightforward and ensures all learners are moved simultaneously without the need for individual registration code redemptions.  Reasons registration codes may not work and of course it may just be by design.  We use the API to migrate large groups.

  • There may be conflicts or issues with the learner's existing data or account settings that prevent the reassignment. For example, custom fields, roles, or permissions set in the current Panorama might not align with the new Panorama's configuration.
  • If the learner is already associated with a different Panorama, the registration code might not override the existing Panorama association. Panoramas in Thought Industries are often set up with specific configurations and permissions, which may prevent learners from being reassigned easily using a registration code.
