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We would like to report on the effectiveness of the recommend assessment function. Is anyone successfully tracking whether this functionality is helpful and leads to more engagement by learners? Has anyone else resolved this or would you find this data helpful?

Hi ​@msimpkins,

Can I check in to confirm the advice you are looking for here.

Are you looking to hear of anyone who is using the Recommendation Assessment, in order to populate the recommendation widget for the learner, and whether using this widget increases learner consumption of content?

Kind regards


Hi ​@jonsynnott 

Thank you for the reply. I’m trying to figure out how to track/report on the learner engagement. For example, how many people complete the assessment and then the metrics on those individuals clicking on the recommended content (as opposed to just using the standard display/search of content). 



Hi ​@msimpkins 

Unfortunately there is no report that provides data on the results of the Recommendation assessment, the only thing that can be done is to use Tags to identify items that are recommended as part of the Recommendation Engine, then you can run a report of the activity of these content items.
While the infromation will have a level of tolerance it will give you some idea of the effectiveness of the Rec Accessment.

Warmest regards


