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We are having some issues with SCORM Connect with a few of our customers. We are not alone in having some issues and would love to hear from other users who may be experiencing this issue or have found a fix for it. 

One of the issues is that the SCORM zip file has a .swf included and the customer LMS blocks any .swf uploads. 

The other issue is that customers are having trouble with the file sending the completion data to their LMS. It loads and they can use it, but if they leave the course mid-way or complete it, it either marks it as failed, or doesn’t send back any data. 

It appears that there is some information not being included in the SCORM Connect file. Just wanted to see if anyone else was having issues and interested in exploring some solutions with us. 

We also have had issues with SCORM Connect not sending the correct completed/passed status back to the external LMS. The course will play fine, just not report back correctly. 

@andrew.theisen Were you able to find a fix for it? Or have to go to plan b for the customer? 

@Nora Celonis 

No fix has been identified. During September and October 2023, I spent 100+ hours working on this, diving into logs on both the TI side and the external LMS, along with repeated back and forth with our then onboarding SME. Ultimately, we resorted to just hosting the course on our SCORM Cloud realm.

Do you remember which LMS it wouldn’t work with, or were there multiple ones? 

Was there someone at TI who you worked with to try to figure it out?

SCORM Connect is a premium feature and we need it to work properly.
When it does work properly, it is great, but it is frustrating when it doesn’t. 

Docebo. We also had issues with SCORM Connect when we hosted the package in SCORM Cloud.

We have also spent dozens of hours in testing with different LMSs and we always come accross the completion issue. We found several problems with completion in Success Factors and no solution has been found, no matter what Scorm version it is, 2004 or 1.2. Our most recent finiding is that sometimes filling out the email address in TI’s user profile helps in the completion status transfer. But in most settings the email address is not sent from the third-party LMS to TI, so that’s still another big problem.

Does anyone have a point of contact for TI to investigate this further as a group rather than each of us reporting similar issues with no fix? 


Count us in on having these issues - but it seems we are so far behind many of you with being able to troubleshoot it as I don’t have the expertise to dig into the SCORM zip file files and have any idea what I’m looking at. 


@Thought Industries I’ll be raising this with my CSM as well, but wondered who on your team is the point of contact for SCORM Connect? 

@cvillamil and I raised the whole topic with our CSM today and gave a hollistic overview of the issues. We also mentioned this channel and showed that more customers are struggling. We’ll keep you posted on the progress.

At all.  Have you tried NOT embedding your SCORM into the course?  We had many issues with that setting.

@charles.zimmerman We are talking about SCORM Connect and sending our content vis SCORM to customers to load in their LMS. Do you mean telling customers to not embed our SCORM files into their LMS courses? 

Are you experiencing issues with SCORM Connect too?

@LisaRollins  Sorry.  I misunderstood but right.  SCORM likes to pop out into it’s own window.

@charles.zimmerman The errors we are seeing are more related to marking completion or actions once loaded. I haven’t had any customers say they couldn’t embed. Thanks!

@LisaRollins  I understand. I am saying that embedding SCORM changes many things one of which is reporting back completion.  It does not like being in a shell of another content item.  It’s an option to do so outside in Ti scorm pages and content type and I don’t suggest ever embedding if you want it to open, play, and report.

@LisaRollins  @cvillamil @Nora Celonis - SCROM Connect is literally the third rail. We’ve been able to deliver to fewer and fewer clients due to updated cybersecurity protocols. When it works, the reporting seemed on point. One of the issues we struggle with the most is resetting content. Our go-to was to resend an annual SCORM package, which the client puts on their LMS in place of the old one. However, now we have clients that can’t access third party sites like Onedrive for the transfer and are reluctant to permit us access to their internal drives so we can place the content there. We also see what you’re seeing- their LMS won’t load our content because the SCORM package is a shell. Resetting progress through recertification won’t work. TI support has been unable to recommend a different workaround although they are still investigating. We’re left with leaving the sublicense with no expiration and asking the client to have learners manually go back to the beginning. Not awesome. Anyone else have any suggestions? 

@cvillamil can you and Cris keep this tread updated with our newest info and findings about Scorm Connect? Thank you!

@Nora Celonis @Roze These are our rules for SCORM connect.  We have no issue w resetting progress, or completion with the exception of users not using Chrome as we instruct them to.  Any of these variables missing will cause issues for us.  All I can say is we have only issues with users trying to complete in outdated Chrome or Safari.  Hope this helps you.  This thread is full of useful info.

  • Do not embed the SCORM. 
  • Do not use as standalone.
  • Use a Ti course as a wrapper for SCORM
  • Try to avoid more than on SCORM in a Ti course
  • Distribute as 2004
  • Share however you best can.  You don’t really need OneDrive.  The zip files are deliverable over email.  They are small.
  • The host must not embed in their LMS.  It should be standalone.

@Nora Celonis @charles.zimmerman  Thanks for those ground rules, Charles! We just went through several weeks of agony with a client over SCORM Connect issues. The client uses SumTotal, an older LMS. After successful testing in SCORM Cloud and with a business partner, the course kept failing to load to the client’s LMS staging environment. Believe it or not, it was one letter in a line of code for the imsmanifest.xml file that caused the issue. The client had to interface directly from SumTotal for the fix. TI is aware and the designers are looking into it to determine if this a SumTotal only issue or could other LMS’s behave the same way. Once I hear about that resolution, I’ll post for everyone’s benefit. Kudos to @jonsynnott and company for stepping up and providing continuous support throughout the process! 

@Roze Then you definitely do not want to use SCORM 2004.  I don’t know what line in the IMS MANIFEST but I can tell you that 2004 from Ti has this issue for some, very few, LMS partners.  This flash file has to be removed on occasion.  It has no purpose and is an artifact of a previous SCORM connect layout.  Hope this helps.


@charles.zimmerman We removed the .swf file and that didn’t solve the issue. It was a lower case “t” that appeared in place of an upper case “T” in “scormType” that caused the problem in the Resource Identifier line of the manifest file. We also tried a 1.2 upload - no success. That manifest file also contains lower case “t”. 



@Roze Very insightful and thanks for sharing.  These are all good things to consider on this page/thread.  

@Nora Celonis @Roze These are our rules for SCORM connect.  We have no issue w resetting progress, or completion with the exception of users not using Chrome as we instruct them to.  Any of these variables missing will cause issues for us.  All I can say is we have only issues with users trying to complete in outdated Chrome or Safari.  Hope this helps you.  This thread is full of useful info.

  • Do not embed the SCORM. 
  • Do not use as standalone.
  • Use a Ti course as a wrapper for SCORM
  • Try to avoid more than on SCORM in a Ti course
  • Distribute as 2004
  • Share however you best can.  You don’t really need OneDrive.  The zip files are deliverable over email.  They are small.
  • The host must not embed in their LMS.  It should be standalone.

@charles.zimmerman -

if I’m reading this correctly, we have problems all over the place!

Here’s some comments/questions to your rules:

  1. We embed our SCORM files in our courses - you are saying that this can cause issues with SCORM Connect delivery somehow?
  2. what do you mean a “wrapper for SCORM”? All of our courses are created in TI with external (Rise Created) SCORM files & TI native assessments. 
  3. what’s the most SCORM files you have in a TI course? We have upwards to 20 SCORM lessons in a course!

Thank you for your willingness to share your knowledge & experience to help us all!



Hi Everyone, 

At present, some users may be experiencing difficulties with the SCORM Connect feature. In order to assist us in resolving this matter promptly, we kindly request that you perform the following steps:

  • Test both the SCORM 1.2 and 2004 versions of the export. In the past we have recommended 2004, however, 1.2 is the most compatible version.
  • Test with and without the final test option enabled. To enable completion recording, a final test may be required.
  • If issues persist, please provide us with the following details:
  • Which of your customers are experiencing these issues? Pano, learner details.
  • Which Learning Management System (LMS) was hosting the SCORM Connect file? Also, provide the version of SCORM and whether you were using the final test option.
  • Were SCORM files embedded in the original TI course?

If you encounter any further difficulties, kindly inform your Customer Success Manager (CSM) so that we can efficiently monitor, assess, and document any necessary actions.

Your cooperation in this matter will greatly aid us in diagnosing and resolving the issue effectively. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and assure you that our team is working diligently to rectify the situation as soon as possible.

Warm Regards,

Community Team
