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Does anyone have a clever solution for this?:

All of our courses have an end-of-course survey (assesment), which is a required completion criterion. We are finding that some people are completing this (well) before the last day of class. Is there a way to lock the survey until a certain point? (e.g., lock until attendance has been marked, locked until a dynamic date).


(We have considered a) locking a section until a certain date, except then we’d have to manually set that date on every session. b) Forced linear progression is also not an option for us because we don’t want EVERY piece of content in the course to have forced linear progression.)

TIA for any creative solutioning!

@gguillen , what about if you don’t publish that section, and then have the instructor publish it when it is time for the learners to access?

@gguillen , what about if you don’t publish that section, and then have the instructor publish it when it is time for the learners to access?

Oooh I like that idea!!

You could make the survey and the course 2 separate items and then put them into a learning path. Then lock the second item until the first one is complete. It might be more work than what it’s worth, but just wanted to throw it out there. 
