Looking for inspiration

Userlevel 2

Hey folks!

I’m so curious to see and experience other instances of Thought Industries, and I bet a lot of you are too. 

If you have a publicly available site, with some free content, would you mind sharing a link? 

I’ll start: https://university.hyland.com/pages/nuxeo-catalog (you’ll need to sign up for a login) or https://university.hyland.com/support (no login needed)

3 replies


Hi Giovanna, 

Thanks for sharing. This is our academy : https://academy.celonis.com/

Many videos should be accessible without any login required. Most content is free after registration. 


Userlevel 4

@giovanna.orlando Thanks for sharing - your support page is great!

Userlevel 2

@William Falls thank you! It was really fun to see your site, and think about some elements of your site that would work well for ours. Also I loved the design aesthetic. Really bold and eye-catching.

@juliefiretech thanks for your kind words!
