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Hi All, 

Does anyone have any tips or tricks to help a Panorama Customer with easier navigation on their Learner Dashboard? We have created Learning Paths for the Learners. However, on the Learner’s Dashboard, they can see all of the individual courses that make up the Learning Paths. It is causing some confusion on what content they should be selecting / starting with. 

Any information or feedback would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you!  

 Do you mean after they have started the Learning Path or do you mean they are struggling with choosing the Learning Path to begin with because other courses are all mixed in? 

They appear to be struggling to know to select / chose the Learning Path to begin with since they see all of the other courses, as well. 

Where is it showing up that’s throwing them? Is it in the My Learning section once they have clicked into it? 


If that’s the case, you could remove the My Learning section and replace it with a featured content widget and put the LP in the featured content. 

I use Ribbons to kick my Learning Paths to the top of the catalog and all our marketing says Learning Paths to help guide them. Right now, we don’t put courses in the catalog outside of the Learning Path, although we are exploring that option. 

@chetler-findlay  One thing to try is not releasing the content in a Learning Path.  Just release the Learning Path.  This way the courses will not appear in the catalog, just in the Learning Path. The good news here is that it really does not matter much how they complete the content.  The learning Path will show their progress as complete for the items they completed via catalog.

Thank you, all. This has been extremely helpful! I really appreciate everyone’s feedback. 

I agree with the comment above, creating a “featured” widget, you can also have the catalog show on the front page and use tags to only show the Learning Paths (or at least make them show on the first page or two) along with having an API script written to enroll learners into the content which will then have it show in their “My Learning”.

We use the tags + search query in the catalog (we provision the content in our Panoramas via tags and we do not release content for Panoramas).

Courses that are in a Learning Path are tagged with LP and in the Catalog widget (in Design mode) we use the search query option with a “-Tags:LP” rule so all the content with LP tag will not show up in the catalog. It will still be searchable and will be accessible once the learner enroll in the learning path.



I created a “milestone” tag to use on the courses within a learning path. Then, whereever I place the learning path and courses in the dashboard, I just write a -tags:”milestone” query to so the courses are not visible and the user only seems the learning path to click on. 

@saradashiell that’s smart!  I think I said above that we just don’t Release and that keeps also out of Search which is another consideration if Released.  So it may not appear on pages but could still be found in a search if released with any tags.

@Irene I was not aware that you can manipulate the master search or search results.  Can you say how you do this?  My understanding is that “if released=will show in search results”.  If you are talking Catalog search then that is something entirely different.
