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  • 3 October 2023
  • 3 replies

Is there any way to set up a prerequisite as an Or option….like you have to complete Content X    OR    Content Y to take this course/learning path? 

Also, how do you add a VILT with sessions as a prerequisite without having to choose each session? So, they could take any session to meet the requirement. 

Hi Lisa!

I haven’t tested this out, but what about creating a learning path with the sessions you want to offer (I imagine you’d have to set completion requirements to be that a learner needs to take X number of sessions in the LP) and adding the LP as the prereq? In my sandbox, I am able to add a learning path as a prereq, so that gives me hope.


This might solve for your first questions, too--have both options listed in the milestone, with the completion requirement that one must be complete to meet the requirement. Obviously, there would be a challenge if you want to require a learning path OR a course since you can’t embed an learning path within a learning path.


I’m curious to hear other ideas.

We just have one live session OR a full learning path that we need them to complete. 

Another user shared that they create one article and include a direct link to that as the last part of the content we want as prerequisites...then set the article as the prereq for the next content. The article won’t be in the catalog or shown elsewhere, just that link at the end of the session and the learning path. 
 So, I am going to test that out. 

I have put in the suggestion to allow OR/AND options for prereqs for both this and Credly integrations so we don’t have to do these little workarounds. 

