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Hello community,


I’m hoping someone can help me with an issue we are experiencing with SCORM 2004 (4th edition) packages we are exporting from Articulate 360 Rise tool. We export them with the following settings:

  • LMS - SCORM 2004
  • Edition - 4th Edition
  • Tracking - Track using course completion - 100%
  • Reporting - Complete/Incomplete
  • Exit Course Link - ON
  • Hide Cover Page - OFF
  • Reset Learner Progress - OFF

We then import it into the Asset Library and create a SCORM page in a course. The SCORM Page has the following settings:

  • Width - Default
  • Height - Default
  • Embed SCORM on page? - NO
    • We did try this one on YES but the behavior remained the same.
  • Prevent Course Progress? - YES
  • Reset SCORM session data after completion? - NO
  • Disable cross-domain requests? - YES 
    • We tried this one as NO originally, but the behavior remained the same.


Okay, so published the section, released the course, then went to test it with a Learner. Interacting with the SCORM is 100% normal, everything behaves as it should, etc. etc., and we get to the very end of the module, everything shows as complete:

The EXIT Course button that appears in the top right changes to a message that says “Bye you may now close this window.” So the user has to click the tiny X in the top-left corner of their window. 

The user is returned to the course and it shows this as their progress in the course:

The page shows an orange symbol indicating it was started but not finished.
Going back into the Rise Module again is where it gets frustrating. The learner opens it up again and it shows EVERYTHING as undone, so all their progress is wiped and they have to start over.

What am I doing wrong in this process that could be causing this? We are switching all our SCORMs from 1.2 to 2004-4th ed. because of the better tracking results (or so we thought).

Any guidance would be appreciated!

Hello @dhall -

We are using Rise as well - export as SCORM 2004 (4th edition), then use as SCORM pages in TI. I think some of our settings are a bit different from you (we do embed our SCORM on the page, as our learners would really struggle with a new window). We also switched all our SCORM from 1.2 to 2004 because we were told it would be better.

BUT we still have all kinds of issues: we have progress wiped out just like you reported, we have view time not recording at all, or just recording bits of the time. It’s inconsistent and very difficult to track of course!

We are really struggling to give our customers the best support when we cannot figure out how to fix these issues. So I’m not much help to you, just wanted to share that you’re not the only one with this issue!

@juliefiretech @dhall We were told when we had completion issues that embedding the scorm on a page was likely the cause and so we just switched every SCORM to not embedded and now we are having no troubles that are consistent.  Here is how ChatGPT 4.0 warns you against embedding.  There is much to say here. 

When embedding SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) courses into a Learning Management System (LMS) using the LMS's native course authoring tool, several issues can arise, depending on the compatibility between the SCORM package and the LMS, as well as the capabilities of the authoring tool itself. Here are some common issues to consider:

### 1. Compatibility Issues
- **SCORM Version Compatibility**: SCORM comes in different versions (1.2, 2004 2nd Edition, 2004 3rd Edition, 2004 4th Edition). Not all LMS platforms support all versions, which can lead to compatibility issues.
- **Cross-Browser Compatibility**: Some SCORM packages may not perform consistently across different web browsers, which can affect how content is displayed and tracked.

### 2. Tracking and Reporting Limitations
- **Detailed Tracking**: Some LMS platforms may not support detailed tracking features provided by SCORM, such as time spent on each slide, quiz answers, or detailed interaction data.
- **Completion and Success Status**: Issues may arise in accurately reporting course completion, success status, or scoring because of discrepancies in how the LMS interprets SCORM data.

### 3. Technical Limitations
- **Rich Media and Interactivity**: If the SCORM package contains rich media (video, audio, interactive elements), the LMS must be capable of supporting these features. Limitations in the LMS's ability to support rich media can lead to a subpar learning experience.
- **File Size Limitations**: Some LMS platforms have limitations on the size of SCORM packages that can be uploaded, which can be a problem for large courses.

### 4. User Experience Issues
- **Navigation and Interface**: The LMS’s user interface may not integrate seamlessly with the SCORM content, potentially leading to navigation issues or a disjointed user experience.
- **Mobile Compatibility**: With the increasing use of mobile devices for e-learning, SCORM packages that are not optimized for mobile devices may not function properly when accessed through an LMS's mobile interface.

### 5. Security and Privacy Concerns
- **Data Security**: Ensuring that SCORM interactions are securely transmitted and stored within the LMS is crucial, especially for sensitive or personal data.
- **Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Other Vulnerabilities**: If the LMS does not properly sanitize input from SCORM packages, it could be vulnerable to XSS or other security vulnerabilities.

### Mitigation Strategies
- **Testing and Validation**: Before rolling out SCORM content widely, it’s important to test it thoroughly in the LMS environment across multiple devices and browsers.
- **Stay Updated**: Keeping both the LMS and SCORM authoring tools updated can help mitigate compatibility issues.
- **Consult Documentation**: Review the LMS’s documentation for specific recommendations on SCORM integration and support.
- **Technical Support**: Work closely with the LMS’s technical support team to address any issues that arise during SCORM course integration.

Ultimately, while integrating SCORM content into an LMS can provide a rich and interactive e-learning experience, it’s important to be aware of potential issues and have strategies in place to address them.

@charles.zimmerman this is good information, thanks. 

Do you feel that this would be a better answer than looking into xAPI files? If we are going to consider changing all of our courses AGAIN, we want to change it to the best option! Obviously we would need to do some testing, but love getting others input-

So I forgot I had this post up until Charles replied, but I wanted to let everyone know what one of the Ti PS folks suggested in the midst of our migration.

They suggested using SCORM 2004-3rd ed. as that is what the platform exports the in-house created courses as.

We tested it further and we found the 2004-3rd ed. worked no matter what setting we had enabled in the course. The only thing we avoided doing is having “standalone SCORM” objects available for people to click on and view outside of a course.

Fast forward to today, and we have all of our SCORMs re-exported and in the Asset Library as 2004-3rd edition and so far so good.

@juliefiretech  just posted right after you, but one of the PS guys assisting with our migration suggested 2004 3rd edition. So far so good through and through!

@juliefiretech @dhall xAPI is basically “SCORM 2023” but they started from scratch and did not want to use SCORM in the name at all.  I don’t have any experience with xAPI and this is because I don’t believe that Ti has reporting ready for xAPI.  I worry that it’s premature for most LMS and I am waiting to see it more widely adopted before I make that leap.  Great discussion.

@dhall - great info, thanks for sharing. Can you confirm about embed on page for me? If you are not embedding on the page, then it could be a dual fix between not embedding and the 3rd edition possibly. We really don’t want to not embed due to our learner’s experience-but if it fixes everything….???

thanks again for your input and to @charles.zimmerman too!

@juliefiretech - can confirm that we are setting it to embed on page and setting it to open as full screen.

We found that if we do not set it as full screen, learners will click the > in the course and skip over the rise module. By doing this, it’s helped us keep the learner focused on the content in front of them.
The only downside, and it’s very minor, if the SCORM is the first object in the course, it will go straight to that. What we’ve done is put a text page right before it notifying them what course their in and that they are about to start a module that will take up the full window and they can continue course navigation after the module is completed. 
Hope that helps!

@dhall @charles.zimmerman 

Are either of you having issues with view time not reporting? wondering if this issue has any relationship to file types?

TI has confirmed that this is a known issue and they have moved it to their Development Team, but I’m just wondering who else is having this issue - 


@dhall @charles.zimmerman 

Are either of you having issues with view time not reporting? wondering if this issue has any relationship to file types?

TI has confirmed that this is a known issue and they have moved it to their Development Team, but I’m just wondering who else is having this issue - 


Hey @juliefiretech , definitely having issues with SCORM time reporting.

Also, I found on another thread that user completion is not being maintained after they full complete the module. Ti will report that they’ve completed it, but if they go back to revisit, it acts like they’ve never done it before. We checked both Rise export settings and the Ti SCORM page settings, neither have it set to reset after they complete the content.

@dhall - can you point me to that thread that you just mentioned about user completion. We are definitely having the exact issues you described and have even consulted with Articulate Rise support to try to figure out where the reset is coming from - have not been able to figure that out yet.

& btw - we did get a response from TI support recently that View Time is “fixed” - I haven’t been able to test it yet though...

Question + Suggestion: SCORM 2004 Resetting to Begin Page upon Completion | Thought Industries Customer Community

@juliefiretech , looks like someone from Fire Tech posted this and it looks like I also commented on it a few months ago.

Question + Suggestion: SCORM 2004 Resetting to Begin Page upon Completion | Thought Industries Customer Community

@juliefiretech , looks like someone from Fire Tech posted this and it looks like I also commented on it a few months ago.

that’s why it was so familiar to me! 
