
SCORM Connect

  • 22 August 2023
  • 16 replies

Userlevel 4

Does anyone use SCORM Connect? If you do, what has your experience been with it and specifically how is the reporting for you? I know so much depends on the client LMS and what gets sent back, but just curious if we’re the only ones that seem to have a hit or miss experience with it. 

16 replies

Userlevel 5

We don’t really use the reporting options any more. Most of our customer’s LMSs don’t support it, so we just turn it off. We can see that someone from their site is accessing the content, but that is about it. 

Userlevel 3

We use it for several clients: 

  1. We always have our clients test both 1.2 and 2004 versions in their platform so they understand how reporting will reflect in their system before agreeing to a Scorm connect deployment - generally we find clients only get a status of complete vs incomplete. You really do need to test with each platform.
    1. Be sure to ask if clients are putting content into an LXP vs an LMS - Ti states they will not support LXPs. 
  2. Reporting on the Ti side is what you would expect it to be for courses - except for Learning Paths because you must export the individual courses.
  3. Courses with Assessments do not report the assessment score back to client LMS platforms - at least in our experience. You will see scores in Ti but the client wont get them.
  4. Side note - Ti does not support a mass export feature so if you have a large course library to share be prepared for someone to spend lots of tedious time exporting files.   
Userlevel 5
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@Alexis McLaughlin  @LisaRollins  We build a Panorama called SCORM Connect.  We create a sublicence for every client and then we provision content to that sublicence.  We have nearly 6k Learners all given fake email addresses so notifications don’t come from us.  By provisioning the content to the sublicence we don't’ have to what is mentioned above for mass export @Christopher.Hernley .  Once provisioned we go to SCORM connect in the content and we get view like this.  Easy peasy.  Reporting works great.  We get the same data we get for our own users.


Userlevel 3

@charles.zimmerman when a scorm connect file is exported from a pano a sublicense is selected for the export of that file. How are you able to avoid re-exporting files when creating a sublicense for every client? thanks! 

Userlevel 5
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@Christopher.Hernley Great question and hope this helps.  Because we provisioned to the root Pano we use either a tag or directly map the content to the sublicence.  They always have our most current edits and new content built under that tag. 

You are able to run reports for users in the SCORM connect panorama, and inside the various sublicenses. They won't have a correct email address, but will have a correct first/last name.  We do this to control if we want to revoke access and to enhance reporting. We do still have to get them the zip file though.  I misspoke above. And if you set up your sublicense with no content access you can still send the file, but it won't launch the course. And if the company stops paying us we can remove their content access, and the files will stop functioning.  Does that help?  It’s a genius invention of one of my bosses.

Userlevel 3

@charles.zimmerman Thanks - this makes sense! I’d hoped that there was a missing link in terms of getting files out of the platform at scale. We use the exact same approach that you have outlined above, however, to ensure that users get tagged to the correct sublicense for reporting we still export the necessary files from the pano for each client sublicense every time. FWIW we’ve usually given each Scorm Connect customer their own pano and have created a custom client admin / manager role to allow for them to do Scorm Connect exports on their own. We still receive push back on the time involved. 

Overall though it is quite a differentiator for Ti vs the market!

Userlevel 5
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@Christopher.Hernley I was trying my best to articulate this.  Thank you for the summary.  Yes Ti is ahead of the game here.  You can even let them use our LXP to create their own content in Ti and export it to themselves!  It boggles my mind.  Very best, CZ

Userlevel 4

Thank you both so much for sharing your processes. This has been very helpful! I think we’ll be able to take away a few additions to what we’re doing now that will make things easier for future cases. 

If you use scorm connect as a Panorama. how did you setup pricing for this to a customer? Did you bundle modules/ topics to access within that Panorama ?


Userlevel 5
Badge +3

@tiffany.folbigg That’s all worked out in contract and it’s by Library (Tag)

HI Charles, 

thank you for responding. 

We are new to using Panorama’s and have a subscription for customers to access based on per person access.

If we set up a Panorama for them using our content and moving across to Pano then setting up scorm connect files within that - is that all that they would see and would we need to setup a SSO for the customers people to access ?


Userlevel 5
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@tiffany.folbigg Welcome to the community.  If I understand correctly, folks will be logging into YOUR Ti instance.  If that is true, then you don’t need SCORM connect for those folks.  SCORM connect is only for those who access their own LMS and will never access yours.  I would suggest staying away from SSO to your site of the above is true.  I also suggest having a good conversation w detail of the user flow with your CSM. That is what they are here for, no matter how much I love to help.

You do need a Panorama for SCORM connect and possibly a sublicence for each entity accessing it so you can control who gets what.  We add the users to that sublicence for the purpose of reporting on activity and user counts.  Those users never get invites to our LMS.  We provision only those libraries that each entity has purchased, and we set up a one drive so they can download the SCORM files for that library.  They are responsible for uploading to their LMS on their own.  We derive the SCORM for them from within the specific sublicence where their content resides.  I hope this make sense.  It was a little confusing to me when I started this.  I hope this helps and please do reach out to your CSM.  Very best, CZ

Userlevel 2

Hey @charles.zimmerman I would love your opinion on this situation we’re currently in when it comes to SCORM Connect. We have a current user in Ti, and they want to change to SCORM Connect. Have you ever had this instance with your SCORM Connect customers? If yes, how did y’all handle learner accounts and maintain their data and course progress within the change over to SCORM Connect? Is this even possible, or do all new SCORM Connect accounts need to be made for these users?


@juliefiretech for follow up

Userlevel 1

@charles.zimmerman Do you also use an Expire Access/Expiration Date when setting up your sublicenses for SCORM Connect or just remove the content from the Sublicense Configuration? I would assume since you can just remove the content, the expiration isn’t necessary, although maybe it keeps you from having to remember to disengage the content from the client on an annualized basis..? For client’s on a multi-year contract, do you sent up a sublicense annually and send a new SCORM package so the content completions reports to the new sublicense or just leave the one sublicense open for the duration of the contract (many years, report to same sub, limit reports by date)? Looking back, I think not setting an expiration date for a sublicense but rather just pulling the content would be the smoother move so the client only has to get one SCORM package for the multi-year contract. Also, love your “SCORM Pano” idea. Brilliant! We’ve been issuing Panos to those folks who get SCORM, which never made sense to me since they aren’t seeing a landing page or dashboard. Sorry for the long message. Thanks! 

Userlevel 5
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@Roze I can’t take credit for the genius behind us having a dedicated Pano for SCORM connect.  That was one of my bosses who mastered that plan.  We manually remove the content when needed, but we don’t do it fast.  The reason is that if they want to keep using then we back fill the bill and we work hard to keep the customer aware via dashboards on where they are experiencing overages. 

I find that that neither learners nor local customer admins like to be shut down or find a surprise missing course.  If we lose a few bucks then at least we kept a customer happy and so goes the renewal of service.  So we rarely take away or hard code stop dates for access.  Hope this helps.  CZ

Userlevel 1

Good stuff. Thanks, @charles.zimmerman!
