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Unlocking for editing by children?

What does this advanced option do on a page? Does it allow you to update one page and that update applies to all pages that are an exact copy of the original page?


I can’t find any documentation on it other than documents that just say that you can select it? What is it and how does it work?  

12 replies

Userlevel 3

Hi Lisa - We’ve only conducted limited testing on this functionality but if this option is selected for a page it becomes editable at a panorama level. The edits only apply to the particular panorama where the changes are made and do not flow back up to the main site level, or to other panoramas that might have access to that content.  As an example we explored adding in a placeholder for course instructor bios (since for us they change pano to pano). 

An important consideration is that if child editing is turned on it appears to supersede any changes made to that page at the main site level (similar to a custom panorama dashboard).


Userlevel 5

Okay, so if I make 10 copies of the page in a panorama and use in different courses in the panorama and turn on that feature, then if I update one of those pages, they would all be updated? 

Userlevel 3

We’ve no experience in reusing pages between courses so I unfortunately wont be able to help out with that kind of configuration - might be best to test in your sandbox site!

Userlevel 4

It allows for editing of that page within the panos. So, if you provision the course to a pano or multiple, they all have the same course and all the pages, except for the ones you have designated as unlocked, will be greyed out. The changes will not flow upwards, so changes made at the pano level will stay at that pano. 


This will only impact the course you have provisioned. If the pano creates a clone/copy of the whole course, it will appear as if they created the whole thing and then that permission is somewhat meaningless on the copied course. 


It works well if you have standard courses where you only want to allow the pano to make changes to certain pages to personalize it. The trainer bio example is the same situation that we use this option for. 

Userlevel 5

Thank you for sharing your insight and use case! 😀 

That isn’t what I needed to be able to do, so I will have to keep thinking and changing manually for now. 

@LisaRollins My understanding is that this is a legacy feature and will be going away soon.  It is only there still because there are clients who adopted it.  RE:  Children/Parent.  What are you trying to achieve?  Consider using the Asset Manager which I believe was intended to replace this feature.  It is good for reusable content and change there = change everywhere.  Hope this helps.  Always talk to your CSM about such things.  They may have a heads up that I don’t have.  Very best.

Userlevel 5

@czimmerman I want to copy full pages of content to new courses and when I update the original one, it updates in all courses. I don’t see a way to use CAM to do that, but maybe I am missing something with CAM? 


@LisaRollins.  Why not just copy the whole course and remove the pages you don’t need?  That is what we do.  When you hit add page, you can add A SPECIFIC page but that takes a long time and most don’t have the naming conventions to allow for that to be efficient.  Hope this helps.

@LisaRollins I would submit an enhancement request for what you speak of.  You want to edit one page and have it appear in an example of 10 other courses.  That does not exist for pages or courses.

Userlevel 5

Copying the course does the same thing, right? You would still have to edit each one separately if there were a change in content for all of them. 

I have submitted it a few times, but I can drop it in again. We reuse pages a lot in our courses to create custom workflows for customers. 

@LisaRollins You are correct.  Just trying to help if I can.  And why are you not in Office Hours right now?  LOL. Just kidding.  Hope to see you online.

Userlevel 5

Ha! Thanks for the help! I am trying to wrap up some content before the Thanksgiving holiday, so no chance to get to office hours today! 

And I put in another suggestion for this feature too! :) 
