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View Time for SCORM files

  • 27 March 2024
  • 2 replies

Our course lessons are created in Rise and uploaded to TI as SCORM 2004 (4th edition) files -

We are having random issues with learners reporting view time issues on their SCORM files (Course lessons) -

  • often we get reports that view time is inaccurate - sometimes it shows 0.0 hours when a learner has actually completed a course! Sometimes it just records an inaccurate amount of time - obviously this is a “he said/she said” issue, but when looking at the SCORM activity logs - it definitely looks like there is significant activity, but it very often ends up as Incomplete/Unknown. 

TI support suggests this could be due to browser settings or using incognito or VPN - all of which are possibilities. We always confirm that our learners are using an up to date browser as well as suggesting to not use private/incognito browsers.

Does anyone know how to actually read those SCORM Activity logs? We’ve seen a log time indicate 4 hrs (first timestamp to last timestamp) for just 1 lesson - but the view time for the entire course is only recording 1.0 hour! 

Anyone else having similar issues or have any advice? Thanks!

2 replies

Userlevel 2

We are experiencing the same issue. Our current course offering primarily consist of courses with a single SCORM page/package. I have yet to receive an explanation as to why this continues to happen.


Userlevel 5
Badge +3

@juliefiretech @andrew.theisen   As mentioned in a previous post, Ti prefers and uses for its own SCORM connect, 2004 3rd Edition.  Using 4th edition can cause known issues outside anything Ti.  I looked it up.  It can cause issues with completion, progress, and general data tracking due to the fact that 4th edition optimizes data handlers that 3rd edition playback cannot recognize.  It is suggested by the Web that you use 3rd edition if that is the preference of your LMS and that is Ti’s preference as confirmed by support.  Third and fourth edition are just different enough that 3rd is not capable of recognizing what 4th is sending.  Hope this helps.
