Hey there. Whatever you do. Replace and DO NOT DELETE a certificate ever that has folks already completed. Your new certificate will be become their new certificate with a new renewal date.
To answer your question. Yes. From activity widget Certificates tab or Transcript at top right on user dashboard. Hope this helps.
Thanks Charles, Yes, it does help.
Hi @JCzarnecki
We do have a toggle in the back end that I have access to which forces a certificate to be regenerated every time the learner, or an admin views the certificate.
So any changes made to any certificate template will be updated as it is viewed. This includes new fields as well as the background image.
If you have certificates in other courses which have changed since the were awarded, and you dont want them to be updated then this option is not viable, as it is an all or nothing.
Before activating this in your production environment I would recommend you test it in your sandbox, especially if there is recertification actions set for the course.
If you would like me to activate this in your sandbox environment please let me know the URL and I will flick the switch for you to test.
Best regards
Hi Jon, would this option give then a “new completion” date? or would it keep the original completion date of the certificate?
Hi @JCzarnecki
It will keep all the same data, it only updates the template, Certificate image, or any new or removed substitutions, but the data in the substitutions will stay the same. (unless the learners name changed) but Award date and expiry date will be retained.
Thanks Jon - this is interesting news. What is your recommendation - we want to update all of our certificates image right now (some were badly pixelated). Would you recommend turning this option on for say a 6 month period then turning it off?
What are the pros and cons of this option? Meaning more of why have you (TI) kept control of this, versus us? What’s the concern?
Thanks for helping me understand.
Hi @JCzarnecki
In relation to the flag being TI controlled, I recall this being a relatively recent additional for one particular customer and we have not prioritised making it a user controlled flag, as if we do it would need to be made available on a course by course basis and this would be a large effort. Only a couple of client have used this to date and they have taken the same approach that you are suggesting. Activate the flag for a certain period of time and then turn it off again.
Once the flag is turned on, the certificate will only be regenerated when the learner, or an admin, clicks on the button to view the Certificate. After the flag is activated I would advise you to circulate a communication to all the recipients informing them how to regenerate their cert.
Unfortunately there is no way to know who has, or who has not regenerated their cert so providing the learners a set time frame, and then reminders coming closer to the the Turn Off time to encourage them to regenerate.
There are no known down sides, however as the certification process, specifically the recertification loop, is pretty complex and has a lot of settings we cannot guarantee 100% that all combination and permutation of settings will work searmlessly. I have no reason to believe it wil not work but I have to give the caveat to ensure it is tested with your settings.
I hope this helps and reassures you, but please let me know of you have more questions.
Kind regards
Perfect and exactly what we can work with…. I will be in touch when I am ready for you assistance in turning this on. thanks!
Have a super weekend!
Sounds great Joe,
Let me know when you want to flag on, either on your production or Sandbox instance.
I hope you had a great ling weekend.