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Any widgets that can show the courses/content/objects in a Learning Path?

  • 20 May 2024
  • 3 replies

I’m looking to build a page that has courses from all the Learning Paths a learner may have access to. 
Here’s a terrible sketch from

Navigation Bar at the top with links to relevant pages, etc. etc.

Hero Image welcoming them to this specific page.

Learning Path 1 Widget, dynamically shows courses/content that is in that Learning Path and that Learning Path only.

Learning Path 2 Widget, same as Learning Path 1, dynamically shows courses/content that is in that Learning Path.

Repeat for LP 3, 4, 5, etc.

Has anyone already done something like this? Other alternatives I’ve thought of was running a SP Page that has all the courses on it, but that loses the dynamic aspect and it becomes another thing we need to manage. Thoughts?

3 replies

Userlevel 4

What if you were to create a LP and custom design the layout? You can add featured content widgets to display content based on a query, adding a few for each of the LPs you’re wanting to display in total and just pull in the pieces of content. 

I did something similar when trying to find a solution to pull in 5 LPs into a single display and I really like way it turned out. 


Userlevel 2

When a piece of content is part of a LP we have a tag for that identification. That way when we go to retire that content we know it’s part of something else.

If you follow that method you could easily use a widget that shows all content with that LP tag.

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

@dhall What are you trying to achieve?  If you want the page to know who the user is and show THEIR LPs unique to each user, that is not possible, as only the activity widget knows you.  If you are thinking that you want to just make a catalog out of a specific LP’s content, then you can uniquely tag the LP and all of its content with a tag like “Learning Path 1” and another for “Learning Path 2”.  Next, you would use the Featured Content widget for each LP and populate with the query with “tags:"Learning Path 1" and repeat for the second Featured Content widget query for LP 2.  

Most important is that no page or widget knows the user but the Activity widget and I would love to hear what you want to achieve.  I hope this helps.  CZ
