Hi there, looking for folks who are using awards and badges in TI. (not credly or outside vendors)
We are struggling with ideas on how to continue to encourage earning points for different badges, when you can only see your status/leaderboard for one badge at a time (determined by the admin). Do you change the “priority” of the badges weekly? Keep it the same? do something different?
Wish the leaderboard was more dynamic and interactive for learners. :(
Any thoughts or suggestions or sharing how you use this is welcomed!
We do not currently but curious if anyone has an answer for you because we want to enable the leaderboard and badges in TI.
We use awards for CEUs but don’t use badges or leaderboards. We would also be interested to hear from some of the groups that are using those.
We aren’t currently using the TI awards, but I came across this thread when looking to see what kind of awards you might enter into (externally). My team are looking to get involved so we can showcase some of our courses and see what other communities are available for folk like us. Where are some of you go-to’s for sharing learning best practices or entering awards? Thanks! Michelle
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