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We would like to add the “Source” field to the course detail page - anyone know if there is a way to do that as a whole? I only see the layout for the course detail sidebar



@juliefiretech I think that’s going to be a product enhancement or do as we do and simply repeat it as a custom field.  To do otherwise would require java script.

@charles.zimmerman - we do have it as a custom field as well, but that still doesn’t help us get it on the detail page for our customers to see, does it? (this is for what we call our “Course Number” - we just used the Source field for it so it would show up on the catalog pages)

@juliefiretech Interesting.  Our courses all start with a prefix of course number in the title which helps the catalog sort, the search, and the admin sort.  So it reads like “ITIU - 214 Course About Something”  You need the space in there for folks who search just by “214”.

Our course titles are already so long, we struggle to make them longer - although this is a good idea. Thanks as always for your input Charles! @charles.zimmerman 

We’d also like to be able to pull in the Source field into the Detail page. Right now the learner see the duration (Source) if they’re looking at the content in the Catalog or if they’re in a learning path detail page they see it in the course cards. But if the content is linked to from another piece of content, where they just land on the detail page, there is no way for the learner to know what’s the seat time before committing/enrolling. We’d like to avoid manually typing in the duration whether in the title or by adding a tab, ideally this is only maintained in one place (Source) and it’s pulled into the Detail page.
