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If featured content widget is empty - don't display?

  • 29 August 2024
  • 4 replies

Is there a way for us to configure our display so that if there is no content to display in a featured content widget, then the widget will not appear at all? 

For example, we have a New To Our Product featured content widget at the top of the page that will display the tagged content to match the group/sublicense. That works great. 

However, we would like to create a second featured content widget that has very specific content to display, but only for one of our groups/sublicenses...we don’t want the blank widget to display to everyone else. 

Am I missing something easy or a setting somewhere? Any other suggestions on ways around this that I am not thinking of? 

@LisaRollins If no content available then it will not show.  All you need to do is DO NOT TITLE it. If you do then that title will appear but no content to go with it.  Hope this helps.








@charles.zimmerman Got it is the title that it making it pop to test that out!
Thanks so much!

And that worked….I will mention that I didn’t have a title for the widget, but I did have a Sidebar Title and I had to remove that title to get it to work. 

Thanks @charles.zimmerman !


@LisaRollins Go Team!  Glad I could help.
