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Product Widget

  • 7 August 2024
  • 6 replies

Is there really not a widget that can include ecommerce products? Please tell me I’m missing it?


The catalog or featured prod widgets don’t work?

@Alexis McLaughlin  - the catalog does show ecommerce products, but the featured content widgets do not that I can figure.

(but you can’t/shouldn’t have more than 1 catalog widget on a dashboard and I’m looking for something more like a featured “product” tiles (instead of featured content tiles)


I never realized that with the feature content widgets. 


What’s the reasoning behind not using 2 catalog widgets? You’re teaching me new things here!  

@Alexis McLaughlin 

I tried to add 2 catalog widgets to a dashboard and there was weird behavior - when you use the filters on 1 catalog, it seems to search on the 2nd one and jumps you down to the other catalog. it was confusing and I received this message from support:

Outcome & Recommendations:
We don't support using 2 catalog widgets on the same page. I would recommend removing 1 of the catalog widgets and using another widget instead. “

The fact is that ecommerce products don’t get much support and don’t work well with much of the main interface unfortunately - and they are very important to our business, so it’s quite frustrating to us!

Thank you for sharing that info. I’ve explored it before, but always went back to a featured content widget. Sorry I wasn’t any help to you!

@juliefiretech @Alexis McLaughlin  Are you speaking of physical products for sale? We built a custom page w a Hero image widget and a few three column widgets.  Not difficult.  The links and image if clicked take you to a catalog specific widget page.  Each page is a tag filtered display standard catalog widget.  A shiny storefront is the polish. Hope this helps. (NOTE:  Each page launched from this splash page has only ONE catalog widget for focus on Books, Reference Cards, etc.  But then we created a link for FULL PRODUCT CATALOG where every category (Tag) is show in a single giant catalog widget)

