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End of Year Reflection and Raffle


Wow, you can believe this year is almost over?! Here at Ti, we have begun reflecting on what a successful year we have had from new feature releases, another successful Cognition, and growth of new and existing customers. 


But enough about us. We want to hear what YOU have achieved this year, thanks to the Ti platform. Comment below with your successes of 2023. We want all the details, facts, and figures. Don’t hold back, give yourself and your teams the shoutout you deserve. 


We will randomly choose one lucky participant at the end of the year to win a $100 USD gift card of their choice.


This year, our team was able to use sublicenses to move to a one-step provisioning process. This saved our Admins a ton of time being able to bulk import learners to a sublicense in their Panorama instead of creating the learners, creating the content, then provisioning the content one-by-one. It has been very well received!

Our year in numbers:

  • Over 5000 certificates were earned by learners! 
  • 544,939 content completions!
  • 2.7 million content page views!!

2023 has been an incredibly ambitious year for us, with a primary goal of doubling the number of trained users from 2022, as well as revamp the content which deemed that user as “trained”. As we approach the year-end, here's a snapshot of our achievements:

  • Successfully doubled our trained user base 🎉
  • Launched 7 new Certificate paths 🚀
  • 84k content views 👀
  • 500+ Certificates earned 🏅

This year was really special for us. We had a go-live of the TI platform. We managed to set up the whole platform for 3 months. We set up on the platform 12 sublicenses and more than 200 users. They are using the platform very actively regardless of the very short period since the platform was shared with them. We have a lot of plans for the next year to enhance the platform and use more built-in features from the platform. 

This year has been incredible for us with TI as we won the prestigious Power Launch award at Cognition2023. As we reflect back on 2023 I see remarkable journey with TI:-

  • From 5K users to more than 10K users
  • 100 content to more than 600 contents
    • All thanks to micro courses and Learning paths
    • I especially like the adaptive learning paths
  • 10 Panorama and more than 500 sublicenses

TI not only manages our training data, it has significantly helped us to promote our training products with the use of Tags, filters, custom fields resulting in 💵 positive revenue generation 💰for our organisation.

The feature of sharing the certificates in Linkedin is also helping us, when the learner share the certificates in Linkedin, our training products get featured helping us get more audience on the site.

When TI was implemented in our organisation I was LMS Administrator and in 2023 I’ve been promoted to LMS Manager, my association with TI LMS platform is very special and overall I find TI platform very user friendly, dynamic with so many cool features.

With TI’s new Admin interface we are also moving to next level and revamping our instance with the help of our CSM Jon 🕵🏼, who is very supportive and guides us on right path.

I also like the customer engagement and support that TI does with this community page, office hours, Academy sites and Cognition 2023 💻 must say that was lot of fun, this was my first online workshop and I never thought it could be so engaging and fun.


2023 is leaving me with lot of special memories - Power Launch award, my promotion and new Admin Interface to explore.

⛄️Feeling excited for 2024 surprises.. Happy holidays and new year to everyone!! 🎅


We have only just gone LIVE and are excited to have achieved that with the support of our Ti Implementation Team. More importantly it means we will have a full year of data for 2024 and we hope to see growth in active user and and subsequent growth in our product usage. It’s all to play for! We look forward to working with our CSM to achieve that. 😁

Our year in numbers:

  • Over 5000 certificates were earned by learners! 
  • 544,939 content completions!
  • 2.7 million content page views!!

This year was really special for us. We had a go-live of the TI platform. We managed to set up the whole platform for 3 months. We set up on the platform 12 sublicenses and more than 200 users. They are using the platform very actively regardless of the very short period since the platform was shared with them. We have a lot of plans for the next year to enhance the platform and use more built-in features from the platform. 

Elena, it was a pleasure working with you and I am so excited to see how you double this success in 2024. Contrats to you and all the EIS team

This year has been incredible for us with TI as we won the prestigious Power Launch award at Cognition2023. As we reflect back on 2023 I see remarkable journey with TI:-

  • From 5K users to more than 10K users
  • 100 content to more than 600 contents
    • All thanks to micro courses and Learning paths
    • I especially like the adaptive learning paths
  • 10 Panorama and more than 500 sublicenses

TI not only manages our training data, it has significantly helped us to promote our training products with the use of Tags, filters, custom fields resulting in 💵 positive revenue generation 💰for our organisation.

The feature of sharing the certificates in Linkedin is also helping us, when the learner share the certificates in Linkedin, our training products get featured helping us get more audience on the site.

When TI was implemented in our organisation I was LMS Administrator and in 2023 I’ve been promoted to LMS Manager, my association with TI LMS platform is very special and overall I find TI platform very user friendly, dynamic with so many cool features.

With TI’s new Admin interface we are also moving to next level and revamping our instance with the help of our CSM Jon 🕵🏼, who is very supportive and guides us on right path.

I also like the customer engagement and support that TI does with this community page, office hours, Academy sites and Cognition 2023 💻 must say that was lot of fun, this was my first online workshop and I never thought it could be so engaging and fun.


2023 is leaving me with lot of special memories - Power Launch award, my promotion and new Admin Interface to explore.

⛄️Feeling excited for 2024 surprises.. Happy holidays and new year to everyone!! 🎅



@Vandana I could not be more proud of all the work you and your team have done this year. You are really pushing the bar with what you can do to more engage your learners and ensure they have a best in class experience.
I am so excited to see what we can do together in 2024 to see your continued growth.
Now promise me you will take some time off to rest over the holidays, you desesrve it (I know Sarah will agree with me)

We have only just gone LIVE and are excited to have achieved that with the support of our Ti Implementation Team. More importantly it means we will have a full year of data for 2024 and we hope to see growth in active user and and subsequent growth in our product usage. It’s all to play for! We look forward to working with our CSM to achieve that. 😁


Hi @Susan Gearing I am so happy to see you cross the line and go live, it has been a journey and you have had lots of internal hurdles to jump, but your tenacity showed no ends as you doubled down on getting the support you needed. I am so happy for you and I look foward to working closer with you next year to see continued growth. Merry Christmas

We have had many exciting changes this year, implementing our entire public ILT and VILT and much of our private catalog as well. We launched our school with our self-paced catalog and learned a lot along the way, and then started transitioning webinars, and are now able to put a lot more focus into improving the user experience and utilizing features we haven’t yet had an opportunity to explore. We are also near launch of our new subscription model using the built-in option in TI. The support team has been a huge help along the way and we look forward to another year of feature releases and growth!

Industrial Training International has achieved another year of substantial growth, marking significant milestones in our learning community. Our total learner count has reached an impressive 61k, with a substantial portion—59k learners—belonging to one of many distinct Panorama clients. The remaining learners are individuals who, while not members of a hosted organization, have contributed to the overall growth of our learning community.

In hosting a cumulative total of 67 Panoramas, we provide a platform for 2,223 sublicenses. This year, we proudly welcomed 16 new Panorama clients, resulting in the issuance of 69 new sublicenses and the addition of 828 new learners to our thriving community.

Our commitment to content excellence is reflected in our hosting of 6,886 content items. Notably, we have empowered our customers to create their own content, contributing to this impressive count. Of the 6,886 content items, Industrial Training International has authored over 1,000, with the remaining content originating from our content provider partners and our customers benefiting from our investment in Ti. We extend our gratitude to Thought Industries for their pivotal role in making our Learning Hub an integral part of our ongoing success this year and every year.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the raffle. There was so much to be celebrated! The winner for the 2023 end of year raffle is…...Giovanna Orlando!