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Live Event Mixed with On-Demand Courses in the same catalog widget / catalog page

  • 17 August 2022
  • 3 replies

With the limitations to adding live events to grid and list views of the catalog and the limitations to adding on demand courses to the calendar view, we were wondering how other groups are setting up their catalog.

How do you set up your catalog page when you have a mix of live and on demand events?

Hi! For our catalog, we just don’t use the calendar option. We have many more on-demand than live events, so this is what makes sense for us.

Hey! Thank you for the response! That makes sense. When using the other catalog options like grid and list, have you found a good way for it not to show past events for the smaller amount of live events that you do have?

We do grid as the default for everything and use images for the events/courses. However, on our learner dashboard, I do a feature widget with events and then the catalog below has everything else. 
